Monday, January 13, 2014

Body Wisdom

Take a moment, right now. Turn off the phone, find a comfortable spot to sit and relax for a few minutes. It’s rare that we take time to listen to our bodies. Hell, it’s not all that often that we listen to our thoughts, really. And we tend to validate cognition way above somatic insights. But cells and tissues and bodies do hold memories and emotions. Our physical selves may have important things to say about our inner world. So let’s take a moment and listen to what those things may be.

Sit quietly, in a position that allows your muscles to let go and your bones and furniture or floor hold you safely. Follow your breath in and out a few cycles, not trying to alter or influence them, but just watching. Then spend a few cycles gently lengthening your exhale. This will deepen your relaxation and quiet your mind further.

 When you feel settled and quiet, begin to draw your attention to the top of your head. Explore the sensations you find there, both pleasant and unpleasant. If something particularly attracts you, you might spend a little time with that sensation. Inquire as to why it is there, and breathe with it for a few cycles to see if it has something to share with you. Pay attention to the thoughts that arise, withholding judgment or criticism no matter what it is. Sometimes you will be surprised at what your body has to tell you.

Once you have received, or have at least given that sensation enough of a chance to communicate with you, bless that area with a breath and move downward from there. Areas of tension, pain, buzzing, warmth or cold, may be ready to have a chat with you. Be gentle and loving with yourself all along the way. You may find old resentments surfacing, fears, moments of anger, memories of passion, unfulfilled dreams, unrequited loves, any number of things. Something may move you to reach for your journal, phone a friend for a chat, make you cry, or spur you to take some sort of action. You would do well to heed those urges. And you may just find that those areas of troublesome sensation dissolve into ease when you do.

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