Friday, February 27, 2015

Does Synchronicity Flirt with You Too? (Day 4(5) of 30)

I'm a big fan of synchronicity. In theory as well as practice. It strikes me as so cool that events and happenings in the external world can have so much to say about our internal world. From little things to big gasping coincidences that really aren't coincidental, it benefits us greatly to pay attention.

We used to call them "Object lessons." Dad was a pastor, and he used to have fun improvising them. He'd ask whatever group he was talking to to throw out a word. Then he'd build a little object lesson around it. Of course, at the time, the theme of every object lesson was something that applied to Christianity. "Hmmm, scissors? Let's see. Scissors are just Swords of Truth working in tandem, helping us cut away the waste from pages of life." While the themes that show up for me are much more broad now, I am very grateful for the early training in being able to spot things in the world around me and find meaning in them.

Yesterday one of my friends posted a link to this video. I loved the idea of the world around us, seen and unseen, flirting with us through things that catch our attention. A sign of affection, of our acceptance in the world around us, while at the same time communicating needed messages.
Sort of gives new meaning to the words of an old hymn that is coming back to me from the depths of memory all of a sudden..
Open my eyes, that I may see
glimpses of truth thou hast for me;
place in my hands the wonderful key
that shall unclasp and set me free. 
Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!

So, slow down, pay attention to what grabs your attention, and see what comes of it. You might be surprised!  

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